Shawn mendes

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You sound dumb as fuck. I’m gay and what he said is not damaging at all. There is nothing wrong with straight men not wanting to be called gay if they aren’t. White gays kill me. So damn sensitive.
Dude I'm not sensitive lmao you sound like a bitter cunt tbh
He's parading gay shame around like it's fashionable and it's cringe as fuck. It annoys me yes but it hasn't affected me or ruined my life lmao
Take your internalized homophobia back to the closet ;)
I want Shawn to say the following: I am straight, I like pussy, I like to put my straight tongue in a hairy cat and taste salty, sweaty vag juices! I like to fuck sluts and never call them again. I like to suck on their boobs and play guitar with their clits!

Can anyone even imagine him doing any of that? Because all I see is Shawn on all 4s being fucked senseless by his Aussie model "friend" while screaming "I like Beyonce because she's faaaabulous" ;)

I know an Aussie tradie from Temora who'd love to be THAT Aussie guy! Haha

It's not me either. :)
It’s people in the gay community that are damaging the gay community. Constant comments and jokes about his behaviour and pressuring him to be gay is not normal behaviour. All it does is cements homophobes view that gay people want to turn straight people gay.
Constant comments and jokes about his behaviour and pressuring him to be gay is not normal behaviour.

No one is pressuring him to be gay.
No one is forcing him to be gay.

Everyone is being extremely supportive.

Shawn should be extremely grateful that there are millions of people being supportive of him IF he is gay and decides to come out. Millions of people across the world don't have such privileges.

Yeah some people are making jokes, but they are not bad in nature, they are still supportive, nothing malicious.
This is a huge problem with this whole situation of Shawn having anxiety over his sexuality. Almost everyone on here thinks it's "not a big deal" because they haven't gone through what he's going through. If you could even pull your head out of your ass for one second and realize not everyone is in a position to live their lives freely and as who they truly are like you, then you'd understand how much anxiety, depression, and suicidal thoughts having to suppress your sexuality to this degree causes. Complaining that he should "just come out" and how he's being homophobic by not doing so is so ignorant and closed-minded.

Living in a society that rejects homosexuality and having a homophobic upbringing psychologically fucks the shit out of you. Speaking from experience if you were brought up with the mentality that homosexuality is wrong and constantly seeing homosexuals shunned around you, you will never feel comfortable coming out even if you feel support from friends, social media, or fans in his case. There are things we don't even know about Shawn's upbringing like how his family views homosexuality, but he has said that he's been bullied for being in choir and god knows what he's gone through while being in Magcon. It's such a stressful and anxiety-ridden situation that you're forced into, and I can't even fully describe how irritating it is to see posts like these that say that it isn't a big deal because it's a spit in the face to the people that actually have to go through it.

My overall point is don't be ignorant and leave the guy alone, you can tell he's going through this huge crisis with his sexuality. The last thing you want to hear is him committing suicide over you annoying, inconsiderate fucks.

Thank you for coming to my TED Talk.
Do you know whats worse than having anxiety because everyone assumes youre gay?.....actually fucking being gay. Yes he's human but the guy is living his dream with his lavish life. I'll spare my sympathy for actual queer guys that hide their sexuality out of fear.
So much hate here. How about this. If he is gay, let him come out on his own terms like most of us did. Just because he is famous, he doesn't owe the world, to come out any sooner than he is ready. Yeah, yeah, yeah, the cost of fame. Lets enjoy the pics of this handsome person and move on.
No one is pressuring him to be gay.
No one is forcing him to be gay.

Everyone is being extremely supportive.

Shawn should be extremely grateful that there are millions of people being supportive of him IF he is gay and decides to come out. Millions of people across the world don't have such privileges.

Yeah some people are making jokes, but they are not bad in nature, they are still supportive, nothing malicious.

A lot of people are being supportive yes, I will admit I have seen that. But this thread (and twitter) harbours a lot of negativity towards Shawn when it comes to his sexuality (I’m not claiming you are one of those people, I know for sure you are not). There’s a lot of people on this thread who express annoyance/anger towards Shawn for not being gay/out and for me that is where the pressuring comes into it.

And I know for sure that a lot of people on this thread will also give bitchy comments if Shawn ever does come out “told you so”, “it was obvious” etc etc
From the article it seems Shawn brought it up.
As he has done on Twitter.
And snapchat.
And Instagram.
Repeatedly. Constantly.

It's his choice to continue to 'address the issue'. Which is where the fault lies. And hopefully his PR people will tell him to shut the fuck up about it in future.

The fact that he has such a problem with people questioning his sexuality is the real issue here.
So much hate here. How about this. If he is gay, let him come out on his own terms like most of us did. Just because he is famous, he doesn't owe the world, to come out any sooner than he is ready. Yeah, yeah, yeah, the cost of fame. Lets enjoy the pics of this handsome person and move on.

What happens if he’s bi, pansexual or sexually fluid?
Who gives a shit what his sexuality is? Straight, gay, bi, pan, fluid whatever. He's a singer, either you like his music or you don't. All people want to talk about is if he is gay or not, of course he is going to be bothered by it. He's trying to make a music career and all people want to talk about is his orientation.
I don't think its hindering his music career though lol. I hate this thread now and I'm kind of disliking shawn "as a person". There are guys in other countries that cant even THINK the word gay with out their lives being threatened and you out here whining for no damn reason. Boy bye. Thank you, next!
Gay, bi, straight, confused or indifferent, the most anyone here could possibly hope for are some leaked nudes or sex tape.

Someone needs to put into his fragile mind, that if he was a real man, he would leak a sex tape, lol

I'm sure these are reposts, but time to get back to what's really important. Shawn Mendes is hot !

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