Shawn mendes

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How sad. This man says that he is straight, yet he is still constantly called gay. He NEVER said being gay was a bad thing, he actually said and has said many times the opposite. If he says nothing and just allows the rumours to exist he is attacked for being a coward. If he says he isn't gay he is attacked for making it seem "wrong" to be gay. What do you guys want from him? Should he just say that he is gay regardless of whether or not its true?
I can’t be racist idiot. Read a fucking book. But your racism busted out of you in that comment though lol. Have a good life.

Not starting anything here but to be fair you did not need to add race to your comment (it is your right to say what you want on here but you the racist one). You started bringing race into it then The other person (Abie) replied defending their comment and clearly stated it has nothing to do with being black but instead another issue you have which is very obvious.

You then accused Abie of racism when it is you who insulted the white race first. I have never heard of such thing as a black individuals cant be racist. What nonsense book are you reading? racism does not have a race, everyone can be racist.
You need to get out of that unfortunate mentality because people like you give ethnic people a really bad look and woder why they cant progress in life.
I wont go further into this, you choose to look stupid and think your racism is ok then i will let you live in your ignorance.

Now back to Shawn.
This race debate isn't going to go well. I can already predict what the next guy will say and what will be bronds response to it would be. *facepalm*

Agreed. From dicks to homophobia to race, we're going full circle here. Let's focus our anger and rage on Shawn and his faaaaaabulously loose hole!
Ya'll always have opinions on every thread about every celeb wether you think they're lying about their sexuality (because ya'll aways seem to know better) or that you hate their tattoo's and saying smoking is bad for them. Take your dumb ass opinions to twitter or tumblr lol.
omg can we just keep this thread about how hot shawn is,,,, aka what it was made for. there’s already enough of these meaningless arguments on like every other big thread. chill
Not starting anything here but to be fair you did not need to add race to your comment (it is your right to say what you want on here but you the racist one). You started bringing race into it then The other person (Abie) replied defending their comment and clearly stated it has nothing to do with being black but instead another issue you have which is very obvious.

You then accused Abie of racism when it is you who insulted the white race first. I have never heard of such thing as a black individuals cant be racist. What nonsense book are you reading? racism does not have a race, everyone can be racist.
You need to get out of that unfortunate mentality because people like you give ethnic people a really bad look and woder why they cant progress in life.
I wont go further into this, you choose to look stupid and think your racism is ok then i will let you live in your ignorance.

Now back to Shawn.

Once again YOUR racism is showing. Now “ethnic” people can’t progress in life?! Are you fucking serious?! Lmaooo once again, white gays kill me! Y’all dont even realize y’all are being racist. It’s in your DNA. By definition black people cant be racist, we can be prejudice but not racist. And even if I was, why would you look at all black people the same way bc of one bad apple? So you group all black people together bc you claim I’m racist and that’s why we can’t progress when we’ve been progressing for YEARS, no thanks to your race! Bye racist white. You’ve proven my point!
Stop being pathetic. Why do y’all want him to be gay so bad. Now I see why some straight men fear us. Some gay people really don’t have any boundaries and want EVERYONE to be gay! Gosh y’all can’t really be desperate.
Stop being pathetic. Why do y’all want him to be gay so bad. Now I see why some straight men fear us. Some gay people really don’t have any boundaries and want EVERYONE to be gay! Gosh y’all can’t really be desperate.
Just like straight people who don’t have boundaries example straight women who sexually assault gay men and other things there rumors about straight actoress being lesbian and they don’t get upset about it they just ignore it or use it for making money off the gay community
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Once again YOUR racism is showing. Now “ethnic” people can’t progress in life?! Are you fucking serious?! Lmaooo once again, white gays kill me! Y’all dont even realize y’all are being racist. It’s in your DNA. By definition black people cant be racist, we can be prejudice but not racist. And even if I was, why would you look at all black people the same way bc of one bad apple? So you group all black people together bc you claim I’m racist and that’s why we can’t progress when we’ve been progressing for YEARS, no thanks to your race! Bye racist white. You’ve proven my point!

Just to point out... Anyone can be racist. Any race can be. Being racist just means you believe one race is superior to another. Or shows prejudice against one race or another.
As much as I hate where this thread has gone... getting it closed won’t fix anything, 3+ other Shawn threads will pop up and they’ll all be worse than this one is.

Also, not getting involved at all but this race argument seems kinda like you’re arguing over something unrelated to the thread so please take it to private messages.

Throwing my two cents in regarding the weed thing. I don’t care about him doing weed but it’s proven that smoking weed (smoking in general too) is bad for vocals so I’d rather him not do that (edibles are fine :p)
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