The $10,000 10-inch challenge

So 10 inches doesnt exist just as many have said.

Lol yeah 10 inches doesn't exist because as I stated every male on this planet has a account to this forum and every male on this planet has showed you their dicks. You see how silly that sounds? These people who keep typing but if a guy had a 10 inch dick he would of came to this forum. Most people don't know this forum exist. The ones who do know it exist still don't have to come here. The ones who do know this forum exist still don't have to show their penis to random people.

But it is like saying since Chris Hemsworth didn't come to this forum then it must mean he doesn't exist. You people don't know how big the biggest dick is and nobody cares about somebody on some penis site saying they will pay them 10,000 little measly dollars to show their 10 inch dick.

One last point to you little people. There could be various NBA players for example who have a 10 inch dick. If they knew about this site which I doubt most of them do if any. You think they would show their dicks to you for some 10,000 dollar chump change?
Lol yeah 10 inches doesn't exist because as I stated every male on this planet has a account to this forum and every male on this planet has showed you their dicks. You see how silly that sounds? These people who keep typing but if a guy had a 10 inch dick he would of came to this forum. Most people don't know this forum exist. The ones who do know it exist still don't have to come here. The ones who do know this forum exist still don't have to show their penis to random people.

But it is like saying since Chris Hemsworth didn't come to this forum then it must mean he doesn't exist. You people don't know how big the biggest dick is and nobody cares about somebody on some penis site saying they will pay them 10,000 little measly dollars to show their 10 inch dick.

One last point to you little people. There could be various NBA players for example who have a 10 inch dick. If they knew about this site which I doubt most of them do if any. You think they would show their dicks to you for some 10,000 dollar chump change?
I love the way you use exactly the same arguments you apparently despise. Are the only big dicks to be found in the NBA? Are all of the people having 10 inches rich enough to avoid getting 10k? Are all of the people having 10 inches to shy to show it to someone?

And out of curiosity. Why the NBA?
And out of curiosity. Why the NBA?
I know why he thinks NBA would be the answer to his wet dreams. But let's see if he responds himself.

Hmmm, the average US salary is 50k and the average NBA salary is 10m, so I guess we could make an exception for NBA players able to prove 10"...
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See how they are both equally long/ reach equally far on the comp.

No, I don't really think it's productive to have people claim perfect nonsense. But then again people should have enough sense to pick out the obvious lies.

Regardless, like I previously stated the point was not to argue the size of my dick. It's not big enough for that, regardless of if I'm lying or not.
My point was that of a guy's dick doesn't reach past his bellybutton we can safely assume that he is not 10"

Dude all these pictures you're posting are just showing us you're avoiding the picture with an actual ruler.

You're not as big as you claim you are. And honestly. I doubt you're even as big as you claim BONE PRESSED.
688 pages, no proof of 10 "
But a few doors (threads?) down, over in the 12" penis thread, they certainly do. Not 10, not 11, but 12" and over.
Many posters on here have made the 12" posters on there aware of this thread, and the 10k for proof, but they cannot seem to find this thread.
And so the quest goes on.

The guys with 10" do not need 10k, they in NBA, they don't want the attention, and so on and so forth.
However shy, rich and reclusive these 10" guys are, they got no problems hauling it out to be sucked and measured by guys and a few girls that knows about this, and posts , in this thread.
So this being the time we live in, it must be true, cuz they tell us it must be true.
There you are.
No proof required.
Except for holding things to the side, looks legit big to me. How can you tell?

All the edits/photoshops are fairly well done but there isn't much consistency to the size.

Look at these two pics for example with a 8.8oz Febreze Spray with a 16.9oz water bottle

The long side of a febreze spray is about 9.5 inches

Most 16.9oz water bottles are about 8 inches long.

So why does he look substantially bigger than the febreze spray even though the febreze spray is 1.5 inches longer than the water bottle?

There are some other things too. The outline around his dick look artificial to me. Its hard to describe. And there appears to be some smoothing on parts of the shaft - probably to hide repeated textures.
There are some other things too. The outline around his dick look artificial to me. Its hard to describe. And there appears to be some smoothing on parts of the shaft - probably to hide repeated textures.

Yes, it’s not always easy to just pinpoint exactly what is wrong with edited photos, but do it enough and you get a bit of a sixth sense for it. The attachment to the body is completely unnatural looking in a number of the photos, there’s weird ridge like repeating skin patterns that normal skin doesn’t have, it has the “smooth” fake skin sort of look that a ton of those edits have, and it just “looks” out of place and unnatural. But to a lot of “believers”, these sort of statements just sounds like vague, unsubstantiated doubt due to jealousy.

It’s really unfortunate how easy it is to distort people’s perception and how selfish some people are putting their own ego above reality.
The truth of the matters is many people who claim they are 10 inches somehow always have an excuse to take a picture with a ruler on top. The beauty of having a penis is you don’t have to show your face. Most importantly if somebody had a 10 inch penis it’s not going to be difficult to find somebody to help you especially if you were gay. If NBA players were 10 inches their photos would already be on the internet. NBA players fuck so many groupies somebody would have measured and posted it online already. Even Lisa Ann said the biggest penis she fucked was 9 by 7 inches from NBA player John Salley. That’s the biggest they get. I will myself to achieve 9 inches long 7 inches thick uniform girth. That requires a lot of blood. $10,000 goes a long way whether you are millionaire or lower class income.
The truth of the matters is many people who claim they are 10 inches somehow always have an excuse to take a picture with a ruler on top. The beauty of having a penis is you don’t have to show your face. Most importantly if somebody had a 10 inch penis it’s not going to be difficult to find somebody to help you especially if you were gay. If NBA players were 10 inches their photos would already be on the internet. NBA players fuck so many groupies somebody would have measured and posted it online already. Even Lisa Ann said the biggest penis she fucked was 9 by 7 inches from NBA player John Salley. That’s the biggest they get. I will myself to achieve 9 inches long 7 inches thick uniform girth. That requires a lot of blood. $10,000 goes a long way whether you are millionaire or lower class income.

You can’t say for certain that it’d be measured and on the internet and all that. But that’s why we have this thread, to have an open door for anyone who wants to prove themselves.

And I don’t recall Lisa Ann ever stating she measured or had a specifically 9x7 dick. I think she did say that some NBA guy (I guess John Salley) was bigger than Mandingo. But that could mean anything. Maybe he was just thicker, but not as long. Similar to how some porn stars have said Dredd is “bigger” than Mandingo, but he’s actually shorter but thicker. Or maybe he was longer. Mandingo isn’t the absolute longest out there. At the end of the day it’s just talk and “bigger” can be somewhat subjective. So who knows.

And since it was brought up, not that I pay basketball or sports in general much mind at all, but admittedly doing this “dick stuff” for a bit now, you can’t help but come across some celebrity pics. From the basketball players I can recall seeing, none were what I would classify as exceptionally large and many looked completely within average range. I know they have large bodies for the most part, etc. but nothing sticks out in my mind as exceptional.
There are some other things too. The outline around his dick look artificial to me. Its hard to describe.

It does look odd. It has that Photoshop "outer glow" type look. It's sometimes hard to land an edited or enlarged object on an existing background and have it sit right because there actually is some weirdness happening there in real life, but guys who are aware of that often overdo it trying to make it look real, or choose the wrong colors,etc. Same thing they'll do with shadowing.

That blur effect you guys are describing can happen intentionally with tools (trying to mask stuff), but it also happens when you distort or enlarge an area. I guess it's duplicating pixels or bumping down the resolution of the enlarged area.

And FWIW, that shaft edge also looks unnaturally straight.

If NBA players were 10 inches their photos would already be on the internet. NBA players fuck so many groupies somebody would have measured and posted it online already.

That's my take on it as well, and if you really are ten inches long (longer than any known monster dick pornstar), you, or somebody you fuck is probably going to care, whether they are "aware" of this challenge/LPSG or not.

PS- Always makes you feel great pointing out "helpful tips" to all the bullshit liars lurking out there so they'll know what to avoid and can continue to hone their skills. : unamused:
The talk about the NBA is weird af since we know that there is only a slight correlation between height and penis size. Heck I've even seen a 7' guy with a micro and a midget with a well above average one.
Howard Stern (6' 5" 196 cm tall) always talked about his 'small penis' on the radio. One day, he and his staff all measured and he was 6 inches long, perfectly average. Just looks 'small' on a larger frame!
Dude all these pictures you're posting are just showing us you're avoiding the picture with an actual ruler.

You're not as big as you claim you are. And honestly. I doubt you're even as big as you claim BONE PRESSED.
As I have already stated, I am done with this discussion. Don't care the slightest what you think. Wasn't even close to the point of my original post...:emoji_smirk::emoji_face_palm:
Haters gonna hate.
Besides, you're one to talk. Lots of pictures of big dicks in your gallery. But doubt any of them is actually you.
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