The Boyfriend Netflix reality series

I don't understand why the producers choose to push shun into our faces and how people can be smitten by him. He is such a toxic person and his debbie downer attitude is so off putting. I feel in a great mood every time he isn't in a scene and then his face comes on and I'm like well... i guess it's a bad day. Lol
What's toxic about him? He feels uncomfortable going into a realtionship quickly so he makes sure his feelings are real and just cuz Dai wants to jump into bf status doesn't mean he needs to right away too. Idk why people hate him when he just takes more time to fall in love. Also all his boyfriends except the American one didn't treat him right so he's scared too.
This show is so good! I just binged it today and thought surely Dai has some old pics floating around, but to my surprise its Kazuto?! I wouldn’t ever have seen that coming. Like if I had to rank most likely to have nudes around he’d be dead last, but I’m happy to be wrong. Good for him, he’s my favorite anyway, no wonder half the house had a crush on him
30 to 40 min of one person in a cast of 8 in an episode that averages 42 min... can u math? Hahahah. Like many have said here. We rarely see Taehon. Not much of the other guys too. The show is very skewed towards Shun and Dai (who is very attention seeking but I have no issues with that, it is his minute of fame anyway). And that's because they know Shun is the most problematic drama person. Even he himself admits it in his confessionals lol. So yeah.. i don't need to know him. I have eyes and a brain.
What's toxic about him? He feels uncomfortable going into a realtionship quickly so he makes sure his feelings are real and just cuz Dai wants to jump into bf status doesn't mean he needs to right away too. Idk why people hate him when he just takes more time to fall in love. Also all his boyfriends except the American one didn't treat him right so he's scared too.
Not referring to him and his past traumas. It's him throwing a tantrum every single second. Not wanting to go to work. Literally rolling his eyes and ignoring a group conversation. Playing mind games of "Touch me, don't touch me" with Dai. Not wanting to reply to producers in the confessionals. Seriously, why is he on the show. His intention is obviously to just cause drama and be rude and an entitled brat. I am a media producer and if he was in my cast, jesus i might slap him. If u listen to the commentators u can tell how annoyed they are with him but they are just being nice and polite about it as japanese as they are hahaha. Having traumas don't mean u get to be an asshole. People give this behaviour from an "attractive" person a pass all the time.
Oh goodness.

The harsh, wannabe-psychoanalytical
and downright rude comments on this thread aren't better than the hogwash commentary that has overrun social media.

Whatever happened to "oohing and ahhing" at thirst traps and calling it a day?
Oh goodness.

The harsh, wannabe-psychoanalytical
and downright rude comments on this thread aren't better than the hogwash commentary that has overrun social media.

Whatever happened to "oohing and ahhing" at thirst traps and calling it a day?
I mean he’s right
Shun knows that he has issues. I feel like in the last episode he acknowledged that clearly, and made small steps to make up for that, and to learn how to better communicate himself to Dai. Talking to Taeheon (which may have been a much longer conversation than we saw) I think helped him see that and motivated him (at least in part) to better reach out to Dai as a person and not just some dude who's unilaterally interested in him.

I hope he continues to progress on the show, and that he has progressed since then. (For himself especially.) Hopefully he has gotten therapy as well!

The point of this I guess is to say there's no need to hate on him, because ultimately he's probably the one beating himself up hardest over it. Just bashing him for fun online and hiding behind "well I'm not wrong" or "i'm just being honest" is not as righteous as people want to act like it is. It's just another form of toxicity.
Shun knows that he has issues. I feel like in the last episode he acknowledged that clearly, and made small steps to make up for that, and to learn how to better communicate himself to Dai. Talking to Taeheon (which may have been a much longer conversation than we saw) I think helped him see that and motivated him (at least in part) to better reach out to Dai as a person and not just some dude who's unilaterally interested in him.

I hope he continues to progress on the show, and that he has progressed since then. (For himself especially.) Hopefully he has gotten therapy as well!

The point of this I guess is to say there's no need to hate on him, because ultimately he's probably the one beating himself up hardest over it. Just bashing him for fun online and hiding behind "well I'm not wrong" or "i'm just being honest" is not as righteous as people want to act like it is. It's just another form of toxicity.
I don’t think anyone’s trying to be righteous, I think it’s just an anlysis you could make based on what they showed us
Shun knows that he has issues. I feel like in the last episode he acknowledged that clearly, and made small steps to make up for that, and to learn how to better communicate himself to Dai. Talking to Taeheon (which may have been a much longer conversation than we saw) I think helped him see that and motivated him (at least in part) to better reach out to Dai as a person and not just some dude who's unilaterally interested in him.

I hope he continues to progress on the show, and that he has progressed since then. (For himself especially.) Hopefully he has gotten therapy as well!

The point of this I guess is to say there's no need to hate on him, because ultimately he's probably the one beating himself up hardest over it. Just bashing him for fun online and hiding behind "well I'm not wrong" or "i'm just being honest" is not as righteous as people want to act like it is. It's just another form of toxicity.
If a character on TV is shown to be manipulative and annoying - whether it’s edited that way or actually how they behaved - people are going to complain that they’re manipulative and annoying. It’s not much more complicated than that.
Ok, of course I was exaggerating for the sake of the joke, but being dead serious and completely honest about it:

Dai does look a lot older for a Japanese man of his age, and I don't think it is because of his acne scars (or face skin actually).

I mean, even in the heavily edited promotional pictures where you can't get a glimpse of his acne, he definitely doesn't look like 23.

View attachment 138840191 View attachment 138840261
(The second one, specially. It's insane! Lol)

And I don't even mean that as a bad thing. The guys I find the most attractive in the show are the ones in their thirties, Taeheon, Kazuto (almost 30) and Alan (although unbearable, I do find him handsome). A lot better than the baby face of Shun and Ikuo (who I think production chose a very bad picture for the promotional material, btw).

As a non-asian who spent the last decade in Japan, I totally get the western thing of "east asians look so young" and it did take me a while to start seeing it, but I'm 100% sure Dai gets called 老け顔 (fukegao, Japanese for older-looking face) on his private life all the time and that's not even a bad thing, since so many people find 30s-looking men more charming.

I mean, look at this! (from his instagram)

View attachment 138841051

Btw, I wish him all the luck and completely agree with Bella that he showed a lot of maturity dealing with Shun. Green flags for Dai if anything.
As someone who always got told I looked 26-29 when I was 19-21, and who now in my mid-30s often get mistaken for a student under 25, I think this is all bullshit. Young adults look all kinds of different ways, and people in general are really bad judges of age.
Not referring to him and his past traumas. It's him throwing a tantrum every single second. Not wanting to go to work. Literally rolling his eyes and ignoring a group conversation. Playing mind games of "Touch me, don't touch me" with Dai. Not wanting to reply to producers in the confessionals. Seriously, why is he on the show. His intention is obviously to just cause drama and be rude and an entitled brat. I am a media producer and if he was in my cast, jesus i might slap him. If u listen to the commentators u can tell how annoyed they are with him but they are just being nice and polite about it as japanese as they are hahaha. Having traumas don't mean u get to be an asshole. People give this behaviour from an "attractive" person a pass all the time.
He doesn't like work I guess. But I do agree he has issues but I wouldn't call them red flags tho. I mean ur a media producer don't yall like drama and daishun has been the most famous pair in thiI'm not denying that some of his characteristics are unpleasant but if Dai here specifically wants him then he needs to wait for Shun too.
As u saw in ep 8 Shun is learning to compromise too being the 1st to kiss Dai and saying sorry for upsetting him. He's changing.
I think ur fretting over nothing tbh.
Not referring to him and his past traumas. It's him throwing a tantrum every single second. Not wanting to go to work. Literally rolling his eyes and ignoring a group conversation. Playing mind games of "Touch me, don't touch me" with Dai. Not wanting to reply to producers in the confessionals. Seriously, why is he on the show. His intention is obviously to just cause drama and be rude and an entitled brat. I am a media producer and if he was in my cast, jesus i might slap him. If u listen to the commentators u can tell how annoyed they are with him but they are just being nice and polite about it as japanese as they are hahaha. Having traumas don't mean u get to be an asshole. People give this behaviour from an "attractive" person a pass all the time.
It’s comments like this that ruined terrace house for all of us. For the love of god, you do not know these people. Stop being so judgmental.
Alright, let's all take a little break from the Shun-olology, here's an unreleased footage where they talked about "Where does cheating start?":
TB-When Is Cheating Part 1.mp4

Kazuto actually said:
TB-When Is Cheating Part 1_1.gif

"If you have sex, that's cheating".

I can't image that Usak have OnlyF. I feel he is so quite person, but His work and body is poiting that he should do that :V.
I can't image that Usak have OnlyF. I feel he is so quite person, but His work and body is poiting that he should do that :V.
Too bad his OF is "clean". He doesn't have any frontal nudes as mentioned by him. I'm still waiting for the mythical Usak vids allegedly floating around.