Things only hung guys understand

1. Easier to make others orgasm
2. Some people will change their behaviour to you, thinking of you more positively, easier to get away with things if you also treat them right
3. Offers to be a bull, joining couples in threesomes
4. Causing bi curiosity
5. Slapping sound while running if boxers aren’t tight enough



Am I the only guy who long ago learned to put cock down one pant leg, balls the other?
No, we all do it. Or sometimes one ball on each side, according to the cut of the pants.
I became more sensitive to sounds and in the toilet I noticed that the sound of my urination was in lower pitches than other guys who produced a higher pitched sound. And I think I have a bigger penis than the vast majority of guys who go to the bathroom. Probably because I have a bigger urethra, so the flow is noisier.
This is really funny.
I had a blocked lymph node, that caused some swelling in the upper leg, but also had me hanging heavy, but nothing out of the ordinary, and completely soft. They kept me in the hospital a couple of days, during which time I had a steady stream of visitors, with their ID badges turned around backward, who would say "Your doctor asked me to check on you..." and inspect me down there.
I completely forgot about it, but I do remember that happening at a concert or ball game or something once. It would probably have been uncomfortable except that I was a bit tipsy and had an incredible chub, so my reaction was kind of like "Yeah, I am lucky!" Lol
Yeah, its happened to me at bars right around last call. Inhibitions are gone, and dudes are crowding into those small dive bar row of urinals. One time my buddy came in and saddled up next to me at the row of urinals and just drunkenly said "Theeereee he is!" talking about my cock. Not even trying to hide he was looking at it. We had seen each other naked before, so he knew I was hung. But this was just him being funny
1 - Being scared the tip of your dick will touch the toilet when you sit
2 - Having to strap it with your pants when you get hard in public
3 - Not having regular sex parners because no one can take your dick on a basis
4 - Deciding carefully which underwear to buy so it doesn't bulge too much
5 - Enjoying the feeling of your own warm meat resting on your belly/thigh

Having lesbians say "I'd turn straight for that!"
That's actually happened to me as well....Freaky!!!!
Message me if you want to hear the story

I just keep seeing the same things that have happened to me repeated here....Over and over.
I never considered that so many of us share the same unique experiences.