Which type of bisexual are you?

Everyone is ultimately bisexual. I prefer men for deep friendships and as a life partner. Yet bisexual women for sexual friendships.
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hedonistic probably, I had only had sex with women until a friend of mine got me to suck his cock. I really loved it and have sucked a few of his friends off. I see a cock, and I really want to stroke or suck it but I have only had romantic or emotional feelings with women.
Sigmund Freud thought "We are all bisexual, to begin with."

I had never heard this Freudian hypothesis, but it's been my belief since I was in high school. My gay uncle took me on a trip after I graduated. We were staying with several of his gay couple friends and the first night we had a conversation in bed. I told him that I had been attracted to guys' bodies and that I believed that we are all born bisexual. It was my belief, as it is apparently Freud's, that we are all born bisexual and society changes us.
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I fit both the Concurrent Relationship Bisexual and the Hedonistic Bisexual categories. I have never felt any emotional feelings for a guy, but I enjoy sucking cock and I don't care if it's a guy or a woman sucking mine. I've found that I'm a bottom. I like the feel of cock in my ass.

I'm happily married to my bisexual hotwife. We have a great relationship that has been improved by our swinging bi lifestyle. She is my primary relationship and I can't imagine that changing, especially I can't imagine my primary relationship changing to a same-sex relationship. Regardless, I like cock. I like sucking and getting fucked and I like watching other cocks fuck my wife. I like to be involved and I like to clean up after. But she's the one who will be in bed with me at the end of the play.

Concurrent and hedonistic both fit me.
There is no simple definition of bisexuality, and bisexual people are a very diverse group. There are several theories about different models of bisexual behavior. J. R. Little is a psychologist whose extensive research identified at least 13 types of bisexuality, as defined by sexual desires and experiences.

They are:

Alternating bisexuals: May have a relationship with a man, and then after that relationship ends, may choose a female partner for a subsequent relationship, and many go back to a male partner in the future.

Circumstantial bisexuals: Primarily heterosexual, but will choose same sex partners only if they have no access to other-sex partners, such as when in jail, in the military, or in a gender-segregated school.

Concurrent relationship bisexuals: Have primary relationship with one gender only but have other casual or secondary relationships with people of another gender at the same time.

Conditional bisexuals: Either straight or gay/lesbian, but will switch to a relationship with another gender for a specific purpose, such as young straight males who become gay prostitutes to make money or lesbians who get married to men in order to gain acceptance from family members or to have children.

Emotional bisexuals: Have intimate emotional relationships with both men and women, but only have sexual relationships with one gender.

Integrated bisexuals: Have more than one primary relationship at the same time, one with a man and one with a woman.

Exploratory bisexuals: Either straight or gay/lesbian, but have sex with another gender just to satisfy curiosity or “see what it’s like.”

Hedonistic bisexuals: Primarily straight or gay/lesbian but will sometimes have recreational sex with a different gender purely for sexual satisfaction.

Recreational bisexuals: Primarily heterosexual, but engage in gay or lesbian sex only when under the influence of drugs and/or alcohol.

Isolated bisexuals: 100% straight or gay/lesbian now but has had at one or more sexual experience with another gender in the past.

Latent bisexuals: Completely straight or gay lesbian in behavior, but they have strong desire for sex with another gender but have never acted on it.

Motivational bisexuals: Straight women who have sex with other women to please their male partner who requests it for his own titillation.

Transitional bisexuals: Temporarily identify as bisexual while in the process of moving from being straight to being gay or lesbian, or going from being gay or lesbian to being heterosexual.


Which type are you?
My absolute desire for men is purely in sucking cock! I can talk to men about a variety of subjects from "home on the range" to "world economy", but if he whips out his dick, i'm on it. I'm smart, funny, kind, pro-active, etc. I developed my love of sucking cock out of a situation with a business man who later told me he tried setting me up several times before "it happened" between us. Once it did, I continued by him controlling me somewhat out of guilt and shame. But it soon took on pure desire; once I crossed over that threshold, there was no going back, combined with the fact that I truly began to enjoy it and find pleasure, undeniable pleasure and satisfaction from a job well done.
I'd say these two best fit me:

lternating bisexuals: May have a relationship with a man, and then after that relationship ends, may choose a female partner for a subsequent relationship, and many go back to a male partner in the future.

Recreational bisexuals: Primarily heterosexual, but engage in gay or lesbian sex only when under the influence of drugs and/or alcohol.

My first same sex experience was when I was completely hammered, hence the recreational bisexual. But I think that curiosity has always been there. Now, I would say I have relationships with women, and am currently in a relationship with my girlfriend. But I occasionally feel sexually attracted to certain men - not often, but I might see/meet a guy that I am drawn towards. I don't think I could have an emotional relationship with another man - I think it is sexually driven in my case; more the physical experience of sex rather than the emotional connection I have with women.
Probably Alternating and Integrated here.
My wife knows I am bisexual and is fine with it. She actually likes it.
I have had a concurrent relationship with another man that was primarily sexual that she knew about. When she was away in another state setting up a new address for several months I was seeing a guy then as well.
Earlier today my male companion came over here for "aid and comfort" and that happens at least three times each week. My marriage is wonderful and I am crazy in love with my wife, but I really love sex with other men.
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