Which type of bisexual are you?

I gotta say...most of those types of people don't actually seem like Bisexuals. For example...Going straight to marry someone..That's not being bisexual, that's helping someone out; or transitional bisexual...the 'one foot out the closet' cliche applies here. This person isn't bisexual either. I'm just saying.

But I would say I'm a Latent Bisexual...I haven't acted on it yet but guys turn me on.

I don't know the person that liked this post I made from 2014 but I'm fully gay. This was hilarious to read.
There is no simple definition of bisexuality, and bisexual people are a very diverse group. There are several theories about different models of bisexual behavior. J. R. Little is a psychologist whose extensive research identified at least 13 types of bisexuality, as defined by sexual desires and experiences.

They are:

Alternating bisexuals: May have a relationship with a man, and then after that relationship ends, may choose a female partner for a subsequent relationship, and many go back to a male partner in the future.

Circumstantial bisexuals: Primarily heterosexual, but will choose same sex partners only if they have no access to other-sex partners, such as when in jail, in the military, or in a gender-segregated school.

Concurrent relationship bisexuals: Have primary relationship with one gender only but have other casual or secondary relationships with people of another gender at the same time.

Conditional bisexuals: Either straight or gay/lesbian, but will switch to a relationship with another gender for a specific purpose, such as young straight males who become gay prostitutes to make money or lesbians who get married to men in order to gain acceptance from family members or to have children.

Emotional bisexuals: Have intimate emotional relationships with both men and women, but only have sexual relationships with one gender.

Integrated bisexuals: Have more than one primary relationship at the same time, one with a man and one with a woman.

Exploratory bisexuals: Either straight or gay/lesbian, but have sex with another gender just to satisfy curiosity or “see what it’s like.”

Hedonistic bisexuals: Primarily straight or gay/lesbian but will sometimes have recreational sex with a different gender purely for sexual satisfaction.

Recreational bisexuals: Primarily heterosexual, but engage in gay or lesbian sex only when under the influence of drugs and/or alcohol.

Isolated bisexuals: 100% straight or gay/lesbian now but has had at one or more sexual experience with another gender in the past.

Latent bisexuals: Completely straight or gay lesbian in behavior, but they have strong desire for sex with another gender but have never acted on it.

Motivational bisexuals: Straight women who have sex with other women to please their male partner who requests it for his own titillation.

Transitional bisexuals: Temporarily identify as bisexual while in the process of moving from being straight to being gay or lesbian, or going from being gay or lesbian to being heterosexual.


Which type are you?


"Bisexuals fight for recognition and pigeonholes".

No thanks. I'm one of those slutty, greedy bisexuals, the ones that give all the others a bad name :)
Latent bisexual i think. I've never done anything with a man, but I've been getting a strong urge to suck cock and submit.
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Yes, that is quite the menu..

Indeed it is so extensive it makes it seem like everyone is bisexual which is a point people make later in this discussion.

Seems that it may be more proper to be asking what type of bisexuality applies behaviorally as opposed to what type of bisexual someone is...

We've had reference to Freud elsewhere. Fritz Klein reckons people's orientation changes over time and yet there is considerable investment in the "born that way" concept and it is generally recognised, except by those who promote it, that conversion therapy is at best ineffective and at worst traumatic.

So it seems to me that ante-natal brain wiring or early environmental exposure must set the scope of one's attractions but there clearly must also be an element of acting on an attraction (expressing it) or refraining from doing so (repressing it). People would struggle to repress their dominant attraction but may have no trouble doing so with a secondary attraction only for it emerge again when circumstances favour it.

And to answer the original questions, hedonistic is the best fit but really, with that many choices, are the distinctions helpful? Do they help people know who they are or live their lives in greater peace or satisfaction or serve a diagnostic purpose? Or are they just an intellectual diversion?
I didn’t see a “I love cock in my mouth” option haha. That’s me lol
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Conditional bisexual I guess is where I’d fall. My time spend with the same sex is/was an attempt to fill something missing in my life or better yet something I felt I should have been and not what I was. Having sex with them allowed me to slip into fantasy that helped me through a time in challenging time. So I guess under the right conditions today I’d love to play with number 5 (could be 6th I was drunk one night back in the day and what happened that night is foggy but I swear I had a ...) because there are things I miss...
I'm mostly heterosexual, but have been sexually involved with men in 2 circumstances:

There are a couple of guys I know who have had a friendship and deep emotional connection to for a long time, since adolescence or very early adulthood. Those friendships took on an occassional but ongoing sexual component (before I got married). There was never anything romantic, just close friends that had sex every once in a while.

Other than that, the only times I've had sex with guys I don't know so well were in mmf threesomes. Guess you could say I enjoy it as part of a smorgasbord but don't want it as a whole meal.

Not sure which of those categories that puts me in, the latter is Hedonistic, but the former? I suppose you could say Isolated now I've stopped doing it. But when I was doing it? I don't know, doesn't fit neatly into any of them.
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I am a mix of concurrent and transitional.

I am married, and, plan to stay that way; however, the sex has disappeared from that marriage. To that end, I seek sexual gratification elsewhere, and, exclusively from men.
i feel like none of these options really fit me i knew i was interested in both genders at 7 and that never changed growing up in the closet I had sexual experiences with men but always in secret.... i also had sexual experiences with girls and only ever seriously dated girls... now that im older and short (5'5) its almost impossible to get a date with a girl bc of my height and although im out of the closet now men only seem to want sex, men also dont mind my height esp for casual sex i have had a hard time finding a man who is interested in more then just sex but thats seems like the case for queer men all over its easy to find sex but not romance and ive only had 2 females in the past 3ish years show interest in me (they were also very short)... so height has put a huge disadvantage when it comes to finding a girl, but when i do they typically want commitment which recently ive been looking for but girls who are interested are far and few meanwhile i could go on grindr and find countless men to hook up with but trying to get a date from a guy seems more complicated then pulling teeth... ultimately im looking for fun sex and a romantic connection but women dont want a short bf and men seem to only want sex haha any advice from my fellow bisexuals... almost forgot to mention gay men NEVER like that im bi but are waaaay more likely to put up with it compared to straight women most are completely NOT about it so i see why most women with my height and sexuality write me off... the saving grace is bisexual women of course they always seem to be unphased by a man being bi