Women's Issues Random Thoughts

This is my new favorite frozen pizza. Well, it's a three-way tie.

Do not come at my New Mexican ass about how deep dish isn't pizza, I'm not the one to give a single fuck about food semantics. I just like what I like. And I fuckin LOVE deep dish pizza.


Tonight we're having two. A cheese and a pepperoni.

Next time it's frozen pizza night, I'll be flipping a coin between these two



Yup. Pizzeria Uno, Motor City Pizza Co. and Rao's are equally my favorite frozen pizza. I don't discriminate, Red Baron is DOPE. But uh... These tasty fuckers are always a yes for me.
Very soon. Very very soon... We will make egg nog from scratch. It's a favorite 'tradition' for me and my fella. We don't holiday. But we do drink.

This year I'm trying a New Mexico twist. I'm gonna make it Biscochito flavored. ❤️‍🔥
Biscochitos Traditional Cookies
I recently started using face masks for my skin.

Uh.... Why the fuck did it take me so long to try these? I am immediately addicted. There's no turning back now.

*Is currently blob mode with a juicy watermelon mask on* 🍉🍉🍉🍉🍉🍉🍉🍉