Are Guys More Comfortable Naked In The Locker Room Than They Used To Be?

I recently changed gyms. I rarely see anyone shaving at this one. Usually the few who do are wearing a towel or underwear. Today for the first time I saw someone shaving nude.
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I still get a little nervous and awkward but that's part of the fun I think. I wouldn't want to shower with guys I know (girls I know on the other hand though...) but I do like going into the showers with strangers there. My usual gym has private showers and changing rooms but I sometimes go to another one purley to use the open showers. I used to play squash there with my ex too and I'd always say I need to get a shower after, I loved the thought of me in the guys showers and her in the girls with other naked women showering with her.
I'm actually off to the gym today so I can use the showers, it's a win-win as I go to the showers and get a workout as a result!
I recently changed gyms. I rarely see anyone shaving at this one. Usually the few who do are wearing a towel or underwear. Today for the first time I saw someone shaving nude.
Saw someone shaving nude again today. After seeing none in my first 2 months at the gym, now there has been one on two consecutive visits.
Guys in my gym are constantly in the changing room admiring their bodies for a selfie. Shirt off. Most on juice. Yet hardly ever see these guys change or in the shower. It’s odd to me they are so narcissistic but yet don’t go fully nude.
I see a guy shaving regularly at the sink while doing to towel dance. I shave in the shower but walk naked with my towel over my shoulder to and from the showers. I also walk around the locker room and into the restroom area naked.
I mean we all have a dick so it's no big deal to me to walk around naked.
"most on juice" - "It’s odd to me they are so narcissistic but yet don’t go fully nude."

If you mean steroids, then excessive use can shrink your balls, so perhaps that's why they will pose shirtless in front of a mirror for s selfie but not walk around nude.

I've often found the fitter the man, the less likely they are to be nude in a changing room. I know there are exceptions, but that's just my experience in the number of changing rooms I've used over the years. Personally, I don't care who sees me naked in a place like that. It's a place where it should be acceptable to be totally nude for a period of time without it being weird or strange.
I've often found the fitter the man, the less likely they are to be nude in a changing room.

I've noticed the same with one 'bump' in the curve you describe. Men who are just enough fitter than average that you notice are the MOST likely to be nude/least likely to be concerned if someone sees them nude.

But I totally agree that once you get beyond that "one notch above average" the less likely they are to be nude in the changing room. Also, I've noticed that clothing tends to be looser, bathing suits more conservative, etc.
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Guys in my gym are constantly in the changing room admiring their bodies for a selfie. Shirt off. Most on juice. Yet hardly ever see these guys change or in the shower. It’s odd to me they are so narcissistic but yet don’t go fully nude.
Maybe they are only big where you can see
Maybe they are only big where you can see

Could be. Lol. Also...When I was growing up we had to shower in gym. Maybe not having to do this has allowed them to grow up kind of fearful of it. I’m just thinking if I looked like them I’d be more prone to flaunting than not.
Dudes shaming dudes - that is so wrong. It's not healthy.

All boys have the same parts - dicks and balls. Boys are boys are boys are boys.

Body shaming. Being ashamed of the penis and testicles is terrible. They are beautiful organs, and they should be admired and respected.
I am 37, in college there was little nudity, except at the gym locker room. I was very shy, but in retrospect, it really didn't matter. At the gym today, I could care less who sees me naked. I see the younger guys acting the way I did at their age. In time they will be comfortable with them selves.
In one of my local neighbourhood Facebook groups, someone posted a link to the annual World Naked Bike Ride and asked if anyone was going to do it.

Quite a few people were 'disgusted' that people would take part in such an event and suggested they stay dressed and keep their dignity. Oh, and what if kids saw them? How would they explain it?

I let those prudes have it and suggested if they spent more time teaching children that our bodies are fine the way they are, nudity is not wrong (given the appropriate time and place) instead of pushing airbrushed images of perfection everywhere they look there would far less body shaming issues. In addition, why is it acceptable for kids to watch violent movies and games, but seeing a naked person is just the worst thing ever.

That shut them up. :)
I'm starting to open myself up in the locker room. I spent years avoiding communal showers because of an unfortunate incident in high school, but a couple weeks ago I forced myself to use one at a Y while I was on a work trip.Since them, I've been on another work trip and used communal showers at a different Y a couple of times. I've also started being a little more open in my locker room at home. I'm not ready to use the communal showers there yet, but I am trying to be more open while I change and avoid the towel dance.

I think I'm bucking the trend of guys my age. Older guys definitely seem more comfortable wandering around naked. Younger guys tend to cover up. I think it comes from all of us not being exposed to more naked locker rooms in college and high school.
Good for you sean2592 - it took me a long time to get to that point. I think at first, for me, it was being seen naked by someone I know - like a friend or co-worker. But after being able to feel comfortable in open showers / Turkish baths with other men, who were total strangers, that helped me get over my shyness. Now I prefer open showers over cubicles because I think it can help promote a healthy body image, no matter what you look like.

Best of luck on your journey!