What right(s) do you think are being taken away from you as it pertains to interracial relationships?
Our right to say what we want. It’s called freedom of speech. It’s funny how blacks can call whites and every other race names, but if anyone says anything to one of them that they don’t agree with we are all racist.
Our right to say what we want. It’s called freedom of speech. It’s funny how blacks can call whites and every other race names, but if anyone says anything to one of them that they don’t agree with we are all racist.

And its funny how you think black people belong to another race. No dude. We are all part of the human race and we all came from Africa.
The right to be racist in public more than likely.

There's more than a few racist shitheels that have aired their dirty laundry in this thread
I mean that right still exists...my guess is the social consequences are becoming unbearable.

Its a sad day when people can no longer date who they please without being called racist for it.

Fortunately, right now, its only the left-wing extremist nutcases trying to label everyone a racist for no real reason these days. Hopefully that trend will pass soon enough when people get tired of their bullshit.
Our right to say what we want. It’s called freedom of speech. It’s funny how blacks can call whites and every other race names, but if anyone says anything to one of them that they don’t agree with we are all racist.
Again I ask, what rights pertaining to interracial relationships are you being deprived of...is there some govt agency I dont know of that has designated you an unwanted black woman?Are you subject to some sort of tax penalty because your significant other is at least some arbitrary shade of brown?
Or are you referring to the right for people to form and express their own opinions about your views on interracial dating that is somehow inhibiting your right to say whatever it is you feel necessary?
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Its a sad day when people can no longer date who they please without being called racist for it.
Grow up...seriously people are always going to talk and express opinions especially if the ones you express run contrary. I live in the land of the Big 3, Michigan. I was born in the 80s, the era of the JDM automotive takeover. Are most of my peers and acquaintances going to express their negative opinions about my love of teeny tiny "rice burners", of course, doesnt stop me from building and driving my own badass Nissan as I see fit
Grow up...seriously people are always going to talk and express opinions especially if the ones you express run contrary. I live in the land of the Big 3, Michigan. I was born in the 80s, the era of the JDM automotive takeover. Are most of my peers and acquaintances going to express their negative opinions about my love of teeny tiny "rice burners", of course, doesnt stop me from building and driving my own badass Nissan as I see fit

Negative opinions about what kind of car you like cant ruin your reputation over nothing.

Labelling someone a racist can have detrimental effects to the point where they lose their job, and the friends. I have no problem when actual racists get called out for their bullshit, but the extreme leftists like to throw the word around with such abandon that its almost lost all meaning.

Nowadays, people on the left are just calling someone a racist for disagreeing with them. Cancel culture needs to stop--youre cancelling the wrong people and ignoring the bigger problems that plague the world.
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Labelling someone a racist can have detrimental effects to the point where they lose their job, and the friends. I have no problem when actual racists get called out for their bullshit, but the extreme leftists like to throw the word around with such abandon that its almost lost all meaning.
Cry me a river, try "disrespectful", "uppity", "aggressive", "angry/militant" on for size for about 400yrs then get back to me. Jobs are allowed to determine the workplace environment they'd like to foster, especially if it is beholden to the opinions of their consumers/customers, your friends are allowed to make their own determinations of whatever label has befallen you, true friends would investigate before simply forsaking you.
So basically what youve complained about is whiteness no longer being the determinant status quo in the West it once was, and your inability or unwillingness to adapt.
How appropriate this premise appears in a sexual forum full of "straight" men whom regularly engage in homoerotic and homosexual activity but want to be free of the social assessment of their actions by avoiding the gay or bisexual label..
So why dont you tell me what an actual racist is, because I strongly suspect your definition is going to fall directly in line with warnings we got from MLK Jr in the 1960s.
And its funny how you think black people belong to another race. No dude. We are all part of the human race and we all came from Africa.
Theres definitely something there...for all the "preference" talk east asians and darker hispanic individuals seem to be immune, because anytime you ask a white person about their dating preferences the answer is almost always racially specific and not feature-specific and they rarely seem to realize how oxymoronic of a premise that is. Or they do, and that's exactly why "black" is the descriptor of choice.
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So basically what youve complained about is whiteness no longer being the determinant status quo in the West it once was, and your inability or unwillingness to adapt.
How appropriate this premise appears in a sexual forum full of "straight" men whom regularly engage in homoerotic and homosexual activity but want to be free of the social assessment of their actions by avoiding the gay or bisexual label..
So why dont you tell me what an actual racist is, because I strongly suspect your definition is going to fall directly in line with warnings we got from MLK Jr in the 1960s.

It doesn’t really matter to me what the “status quo” is. If I wake up tomorrow, and Black people are the official new standard for beauty, I’m still going to be attracted to whatever I’m attracted to. And I just want to be able to do that without you calling me a racist for it.

As far as my sexuality is concerned, I am bisexual. But surely you are aware that sexuality kind of works on a sliding scale. And I am closer to the straight Side of that scale than the middle. Not really sure what any of this has to do with the argument at hand, or why you felt the need to bring up my sexuality, but there you have it.

finally, I don’t think MLK would have cared about who I date or fuck as much as you seem to, since he actually made the world a better place and focused on real issues of racism. And if he would have cared who I was having sex with, I can rest easy knowing I am morally superior to him.
No one said this. If you feel defensive because you only date people based on their skin color, that is your problem.

Fact is, it is racist. But it isn´t morally wrong, just like it isn´t morally wrong to find girls with green eyes attractive or fat guys unattractive

do you want me to keep going on?
Our right to say what we want. It’s called freedom of speech. It’s funny how blacks can call whites and every other race names, but if anyone says anything to one of them that they don’t agree with we are all racist.

"Blacks can call whites and every other race names"? Yes there's a little handbook of allowable slurs we can sling without fear of retribution. How DID you find out? You wear your grievance (white) very well.
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i´m latino and the other day was talking with a friend and i told him that i wouldn´t date anybody that isn´t a mixed race latino. he was little bit shooked because he said that the way i said it sounded a little bit racist, but i know i´m not. What do you guys think? my perspective is that is better for everybody if everyone stays with their own. Thoughts?

"Everyone should stay with their own" is textbook racism
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