Solid questions brother, I have had very minimal issues with my use of the Bathmate over the past 4 years. I definitely have gotten carried away and had to deal with my fair share of the "donut effect" from using too much pressure to early in my beginning sessions. I learned to take my time and let my cock warm up into each pumping session. I may have over shot with my initial purchase of the Hydromax X40 because it may have been a bit too large for me.
The first 3 years of my pumping journey was solely dedicated to using the X40 but this year I decided to size down and actually use the pump dedicated a bit closer to my measurements. The Hydromax 7 has been an awesome addition to my arsenal. At fist it was very difficult to maintain a solid seal as my girth is closer to 6.5 inches at the base, but using coconut oil has helped with that. I will say make sure you use coconut oil to prevent excessive stretching of the skin and things of the sort.
This would be my starting point heading into 2021
Keep in mind this was a good day to hang and show off my flaccid cock
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And this is me currently at about a solid 6 months of use with the Hydromax 7
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Overall I think my cock is visually much more thicker than before and continues to balance out with my overall physique.