What do women want?

It's all face, it's easy to tell.

Many other people are realizing this, and I come from an online community sent out here to spread the truth about face and looks theory.

Hypergamy is universal, the average 18 year old American female who is chubby and a 5/10 with nothing special in her looks, has 100s of male options through online dating, she can go on facebook and have 10 guys white knight her liking her pics and commenting on her and asking her out non stop ( even though she already rejected them )

she can get dolled up and get into a club for free and have a bunch of horny drunk guys approach her and she can sit back and pick and chose.

She can go to school or her job and have every guy treat her nice, and try to get with her.

She has 100X more options then her male equivalent if she just leaves the house.

The average looking man will probably hardly ever be approached in his life, and is lucky to get 2 messages in online dating a month ( not including trannies, or fake accounts ) and won't have random girls trying to add him on facebook and liking his pictures non stop, unless he is social and has status and is popular in his school.

How can a man succeed past this?

Have good FACE

have good physique

have good money

have good status

have good hair

have good skin

have good clothing

it's the only way to stand out, but face is the most important everything else is secondary to face.

It's the real world.

You are right that women dont hit on men unless the man is smoking hot (usually). That is because society tells most women that it is the mans job to approach. This is why women dont message men and why men do message women online.

Faces are important, yes. But if you just have an average face you can still approach a woman and have it develop into something that could lead to sex.

Yes women can have sex with any number of guys if they want to. This is not related to women at all, it is purely because guys dont give a shit and just want sex. In that area, we VASTLY outnumber women. This isnt about women, it is just numbers. If you want something more than sex then things are all pretty damn even and face and physical attributes can take a sharp turn in terms of importance.

You are wrong that you need a models face to get anywhere with an attractive woman. So hugely wrong that I can't even fathom how jaded you are.

I have a distinctly average face. At best. But I like to think that I have a pretty killer personality. And you know what? I have had some pretty hot co-workers hit on me. Why? Because they know me. They know my personality. I am not wealthy, I dont have a high status, I am in work clothes so clothing is out the window, my clothes hide my physique. All they really have to go off of is the way that I act.

EDIT: Regarding your edit:
People dont start stuff with me either. People have a general tendency to not want to start stuff. People look to me to lead too. Congrats on looking mean and being aggressive and thuglike. Hope that works out for you.
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Not at all disillusioned, the places that want to hire me are places where other masculine men work, such as car mechanics, but trying to get a job as a sales associate in a regular place doesn't work because most people are afraid of my pure dominant masculine face.
No. You are wrong. Not hiring because of your face is illegal. They don't hire you because you failed at the interview.

Also I agree I do look primitive in a way, and people think I am a thug because of it, again like I said how would you like it if since you were 14 years old, random people you don't know think your a drug dealer, cops stop you and check you, gang members stop you because they think your from a rival gang, coaches in highschool keep begging you to join their sports teams then get upset when you don't want to... etc.
...I don't think this would happen unless you think it is. Self-fulfilling prophecy. Look it up. You look like a football player, not a thug. You look like you work out, not like a thug. You look like a caveman, not a thug. I have never seen a drug dealer that even remotely looked like you.

Look at the picture when I was 15, with my beard trimmed, wearing a sweater, smiling, with my hair grown out, now imagine that with a tank top, buzzcut, and bit more stubble and with a normal facial expression, everyone thinks your a thug who is going to kill or rob them and everyone is submissive towards you and won't mess with you in front of your face, but will go behind your back.

It's all face.
I edited my last post, you look like a football player.

You look nothing like you think you look like. And do you really not work out?
No. You are wrong. Not hiring because of your face is illegal. They don't hire you because you failed at the interview.

...I don't think this would happen unless you think it is. Self-fulfilling prophecy. Look it up. You look like a football player, not a thug. You look like you work out, not like a thug. You look like a caveman, not a thug. I have never seen a drug dealer that even remotely looked like you.

I edited my last post, you look like a football player.

You look nothing like you think you look like. And do you really not work out?

That picture was old, I do workout but I only started working out because I was already stronger then most and more muscular then most of my friends on my own, so I decided to start lifting to see where I can get but never took it seriously.

Also yes, with football and wrestling the coaches kept asking me to play, and it was annoying because I preferred playing video games and didn't want to be bothered.

At the time of that picture I was 15, and I didn't exercise or workout like I said I am smiling with my beard trimmed with a good haircut, and good sweater... when I would walk around with a buzzcut and a tank top and walking with a neutral facial expression and with a muscular for my age physique people would think I was a criminal or a thug... I remember one day coming home from freshmen year of highschool on the bus, and at the bus stop 3 old crackheads coming up to me trying to buy drugs, then a few days later I was at the bus stop and the police came up to me and started questioning me then frisked me for no reason, even though I would just stay in my house all day and play video games because I tried to avoid the violence going on in my neighborhood at the time and because all of the gangbanger kids wanted to get me to join their gang because the only few fights I had ever been in I won pretty easily and they saw that so they respected me a lot.
That picture was old, I do workout but I only started working out because I was already stronger then most and more muscular then most of my friends on my own, so I decided to start lifting to see where I can get but never took it seriously.
For some reason I doubt this.
Also yes, with football and wrestling the coaches kept asking me to play, and it was annoying because I preferred playing video games and didn't want to be bothered.
Why would the wrestling coaches go after you? I can see football... but don't quite understand wrestling.

At the time of that picture I was 15, and I didn't exercise or workout like I said I am smiling with my beard trimmed with a good haircut, and good sweater... when I would walk around with a buzzcut and a tank top and walking with a neutral facial expression and with a muscular for my age physique people would think I was a criminal or a thug... I remember one day coming home from freshmen year of highschool on the bus, and at the bus stop 3 old crackheads coming up to me trying to buy drugs, then a few days later I was at the bus stop and the police came up to me and started questioning me then frisked me for no reason, even though I would just stay in my house all day and play video games because I tried to avoid the violence going on in my neighborhood at the time and because all of the gangbanger kids wanted to get me to join their gang because the only few fights I had ever been in I won pretty easily and they saw that so they respected me a lot.
Why are you wearing a tank top? I can look like a thug with my physique with certain clothes/hairstyle/attitude too.

Honestly, the story you tell seems.... well dishonest. Fighting isnt all about strength, in fact very little has to do with strength (see: Bruce Lee). I also dont get why you got into a fight at all. If you dont want to fight, then you dont fight.

The more you say the less I believe.
For some reason I doubt this.

Why would the wrestling coaches go after you? I can see football... but don't quite understand wrestling.

Why are you wearing a tank top? I can look like a thug with my physique with certain clothes/hairstyle/attitude too.

Honestly, the story you tell seems.... well dishonest. Fighting isnt all about strength, in fact very little has to do with strength (see: Bruce Lee). I also dont get why you got into a fight at all. If you dont want to fight, then you dont fight.

The more you say the less I believe.

Because I was stronger then the majority of my class without exercising, so the wrestling coaches figured I would be a good wrestler. The coaches knew that I wasn't doing anything else so they tried to convince me to join the team.

Because I want to wear a tank top.

The people I fought were not skilled fighters, they were neighborhood kids messing around, I'm sure if I was to go up against a skilled fighter it was different, but 2 teenagers who aren't skilled or experienced the one who is stronger has better odds anyway.

Also with girls the only 2 girls I had been with, both showed signs of interest first, they both used to stare then I would look at them they would look to the floor and get scared then they would look back and start shaking after months of this with the first girl I figured maybe she likes me so I went over and just said hi and she said hi then told me that she liked me and thought I was hot, and she was scared of me so she didn't tell me. Both of the girls pretty much did the same thing, and both of them were very petite feminine submissive looking girls. This is also why I believe in looks theory, because any time where I tried to make the first move led to many failures and rejections, where as when the girl showed interest first you have much better odds, and it wasn't because of my personality, but because they liked my looks that they showed interest first.
Ok so you prove my point.
I get approached by women in the day time in public ( I don't go to clubs ) every now and then, but most of the time it doesn't go anywhere because they are usually just looking for validation anyway.

Your point in the end where you say you get hit on by girls who know you at work, this again goes back to what I said about status anyway. I said status is important and what a man without a good face needs to get anywhere. I don't work outside of webcamming anymore because I can make the most money on webcam, and because most employers say they will hire me in the interview then don't do it ( because they are afraid to tell me they don't want to hire me because I have an intimidating face. )

Also where you say I look like a thug... I can't control it, look at my haircut, I purposely grew out my hair because when I started to go through puberty I used to have a buzzcut and as I got more muscular naturally and got a more masculine face, almost everyone thought I was a gang banger, or a drug dealer, or a thug...

I will upload a picture of me when I was 15 when I was growing my hair out and trimmed my beard, and I was smiling and I still looked like a thug to most people.

Wondering if lovinglife persuaded you into thinking you have an intimidating face. :rolleyes:

Uhh, yes there are. I know of many. Right off the bat I can tell you why women wont fuck you:
1) You are a dick
2) You dislike women
3) You distrust women
4) If you look like you do in your avatar, you would be intimidating. And given 1-3 they probably don't have any interest in you

Also, for christ's sake
They're = They are
Their = possessive
There = location

Ripped Staten there are other methods to get your point across. Consistantly belittling the members is not the way to go, now your just trolling. Having two sanctions already on your belt, and you still haven't gotten the hang of this. This isn't even your thread; and you have hijacked and made it personal. What do women want? How could you possibly know if your not a female. C'mon dude grow up....

Further note to other members: Don't feed the troll, or post content regarding minors..
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I showed your picture to my wife and some of her friends. They said you looked like a caveman and none of them would ever consider having sex with you. And they were some HOT women.
After showing them some of your posts, they ALL said you were an ASSHOLE and a misogynist.
Sorry, but I have to agree with them.
I showed your picture to my wife and some of her friends. They said you looked like a caveman and none of them would ever consider having sex with you. And they were some HOT women.
After showing them some of your posts, they ALL said you were an ASSHOLE and a misogynist.
Sorry, but I have to agree with them.

Your morbidly obese, and with a small wiener... any women who would have sex with you is either not attractive or only likes money any way ( assuming you have some ) you mad?

Edit: And by saying they wouldn't want sex because of a caveman, it agree's with my points in the first place, that it's all about face anyway, so how is that misogynistic to point out?

You are disillusioned. Also, how does my job have anything to do with status? I feel bad for your future. You are a huge loser that can't hold down a job because of your ego, not because of your face.

at one of my interviews I did not get the job because of my " low mono tone voice" for a CSR (customer service representative)
Because I was stronger then the majority of my class without exercising, so the wrestling coaches figured I would be a good wrestler. The coaches knew that I wasn't doing anything else so they tried to convince me to join the team.
Your highschool had bad wrestling coaches. It is based on weight class, somebody like you seems like would be a horrible wrestler.

The people I fought were not skilled fighters, they were neighborhood kids messing around, I'm sure if I was to go up against a skilled fighter it was different, but 2 teenagers who aren't skilled or experienced the one who is stronger has better odds anyway.
Why did you fight them? Also, with inexperienced fighters it is whoever gets the first hit in, not strength, that has the advantage. Height plays a role obviously too.

Also with girls the only 2 girls I had been with, both showed signs of interest first, they both used to stare then I would look at them they would look to the floor and get scared then they would look back and start shaking after months of this the first time I figured maybe she likes me so I went over and just said hi and she said hi then told me that she liked me and thought I was hot, and she was scared of me. Both of the girls pretty much did the same thing, and both of them were very petite feminine submissive looking girls. This is also why I believe in looks theory, because any time where I tried to make the first move led to many failures and rejections, where as when the girl showed interest first you have much better odds, and it wasn't because of my personality, but because they liked my looks that they showed interest first.
You mean to tell me that when a girl shows interest in you, she may be interested in going out with you? SHOCK! GASP! Do you think it may have been because.... THEY WERE INTERESTED? Did you read what you wrote here?

Also, "scared" has many different facets. I can be scared of asking a woman out, but it isnt because I am scared of her or what she will say. If they were scared because of the way you look, perhaps you should try smiling.
Your morbidly obese, and with a small wiener... any women who would have sex with you is either not attractive or only likes money any way ( assuming you have some ) you mad?

Is English your first language? It doesn't appear you can write it coherently OR accurately.
Your somewhat rapid, but agitated response seems to be your standard reply, you aren't very educated either, are you?
And, happily, at least I'm getting laid regularly!
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Your highschool had bad wrestling coaches. It is based on weight class, somebody like you seems like would be a horrible wrestler.

Why did you fight them? Also, with inexperienced fighters it is whoever gets the first hit in, not strength, that has the advantage. Height plays a role obviously too.

You mean to tell me that when a girl shows interest in you, she may be interested in going out with you? SHOCK! GASP! Do you think it may have been because.... THEY WERE INTERESTED? Did you read what you wrote here?

Also, "scared" has many different facets. I can be scared of asking a woman out, but it isnt because I am scared of her or what she will say. If they were scared because of the way you look, perhaps you should try smiling.

My point is that if the women likes your looks, she will show interest, then you can go and talk to her and be normal and hope for the best and it will work every now and then.

Where as if the women hasn't shown interest, you can't just have the best personality and be nice and respectful, because if she's not interested... then she's not interested and you can't do anything about it.

The interest comes from your looks, and whether she likes them or not.

Also why would I be a bad wrestler? I'm naturally athletic, explosive and strong.
I am smart, are you trying to say I'm wrong when I say that you are morbidly obese? Unless those pics are old and you lost some weight recently.

Why do you worry about my weight?
I'm obviously doing better than you in the getting laid department!
By the way, I'm losing weight quite well, thank you.
And, I was never morbidly obese, according to YOUR standards. As if I have to justify ANYTHING to you.
I'm older than you. I'm allowed to weigh more than you. My wife can cook! And, she couldn't be happier with my 7 5/8" x 6" cock. She's the one who helped me measure it.
Note to YOU: Your comments about my wife could have me punching your lights out. I'm 6' 2" 230 lbs. and could do it in a heartbeat. Better watch what you're saying. Lucky I'm not a violent caveman, like yourself.
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My point is that if the women likes your looks, she will show interest, then you can go and talk to her and be normal and hope for the best and it will work every now and then.

Where as if the women hasn't shown interest, you can't just have the best personality and be nice and respectful, because if she's not interested... then she's not interested and you can't do anything about it.
You mean how when a man likes how a woman looks he will show interest?

Also why would I be a bad wrestler? I'm naturally athletic, explosive and strong.
Wrestling is about technique. Your only experience is apparently against weak kids that had no business doing anything. You would be going against people with a more focused build oriented towards wrestling. Possibly thinner with more mass or other things. You are just... a big looking guy.

I am curious, why do you keep describing your physical attributes like you want to do this, yet say you dont want to? Your defensiveness and descriptions contradict how you say you are.
You mean how when a man likes how a woman looks he will show interest?

Wrestling is about technique. Your only experience is apparently against weak kids that had no business doing anything. You would be going against people with a more focused build oriented towards wrestling. Possibly thinner with more mass or other things. You are just... a big looking guy.

I am curious, why do you keep describing your physical attributes like you want to do this, yet say you dont want to? Your defensiveness and descriptions contradict how you say you are.

Yes what I am saying is that if she hasn't shown interest, your probably not going to get with her... they don't show interest because of your personality or because you show them respect, they show interest because they like your looks, money or status. That's what they want and answers the question of the thread.

It was highschool, at that point almost no one had experience wrestling, so the coaches just asked athletic inshape looking guys to join the team and try it out.

Also it's because growing up I was known for being strong, and at the time I didn't realize it was a good thing and didn't care and just played video games, then as I got older I started lifting weights and cared a bit more.
Yes what I am saying is that if she hasn't shown interest, your probably not going to get with her... they don't show interest because of your personality or because you show them respect, they show interest because they like your looks, money or status. That's what they want and answers the question of the thread.
Yes, initial impressions can get an initial reaction. However, that is not the end of it. If she hasn't shown interest, you can still approach her and get a date or something more by getting her interest in other ways. Personality goes a long way for me. Your theory basically only applies to a guy that hasnt been approached. I am sure tons of women would tell you stories of guys that looked attractive, but when approached they were instantly turned off because of his personality.

It was highschool, at that point almost no one had experience wrestling, so the coaches just asked athletic inshape looking guys to join the team and try it out.
Repeated asking seems off. And dumb from your wrestling coach. Sorry to say.