Getting circumcised at 30 (U.K.)


Expert Member
Mar 29, 2023
London, England,United Kingdom
100% Gay, 0% Straight

after struggling even worse than usual for the past year or so with tight foreskin, and trying steroid creams and stretching, the doctors have basically said I need to get cut.
I’m debating the stapler method and would appreciate any advice from anyone who’s been cut later in life. Recovery tips, how to make sure it all heals as good as possible etc.

Thank you in advance!
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after struggling even worse than usual for the past year or so with tight foreskin, and trying steroid creams and stretching, the doctors have basically said I need to get cut.
I’m debating the stapler method and would appreciate any advice from anyone who’s been cut later in life. Recovery tips, how to make sure it all heals as good as possible etc.

Thank you in advance!
where are you getting it done? On NHS? Better to go to a specialist. They do it all the time and really know how to do it and make it relativley painless
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It doesn't mean that it will be one for you too but it will definitely not be easy for the first couple of days. As men we get erections during sleep and the first couple of days those will be very uncomfortable for obvious reasons.
Make sure to keep things hygienic as possible. You will have to change your gauzes yourself several times per day.
No sports, no sex and no jerking off for three weeks. You can ask to get pain medication from your doctor and 10 days off should be fine I think.
Don't be discouraged if it looks like you threw a hot dog in a blender in the beginning. It will go back to looking normal.
Hey, I chose to get cut aged 29.
Ten years later I had a revision to remove the frenulum, plus some outer skin to tighten up.
Not properly researching styles and feeling shy in articulating my preferences prompted the revision, so please do your homework!
Sites like Circlist are great for obtaining info on styles and methods.
The method influences the appearance of the end result.
Both of my doctors have retired, but try to get feedback from patients of short-listed doctors.

The above are some of my random thoughts for you to consider - happy to chat, if sharing my experiences can help.

For what it's worth, aged 58. I can still say getting cut has been one of the best things I've done for myself.
Hey, I chose to get cut aged 29.
Ten years later I had a revision to remove the frenulum, plus some outer skin to tighten up.
Not properly researching styles and feeling shy in articulating my preferences prompted the revision, so please do your homework!
Sites like Circlist are great for obtaining info on styles and methods.
The method influences the appearance of the end result.
Both of my doctors have retired, but try to get feedback from patients of short-listed doctors.

The above are some of my random thoughts for you to consider - happy to chat, if sharing my experiences can help.

For what it's worth, aged 58. I can still say getting cut has been one of the best things I've done for myself.
Thanks man! I had a consultation and spoke about how I wanted it to look/feel and the doctor advised too. And he suggested a stapler method as the recovery time is only a few weeks! And I’m getting the frenuloplasty at the same time so I’m hoping it’s all done in one go and then once I’m recovered, that’s it!
Good to hear you seem to have done your research and the doc was on board with it.
I was a bit niave and went with the flow with mine, although it did turn out alright.

I was circumcised at 25 just over 6 years ago. I had it on NHS but due to back logs they funded me to go private.
Good to hear you seem to have done your research and the doc was on board with it.
I was a bit niave and went with the flow with mine, although it did turn out alright.

I was circumcised at 25 just over 6 years ago. I had it on NHS but due to back logs they funded me to go private.
The doc gave you a beautifully super-low circumcision. I love it!
Thanks man! I had a consultation and spoke about how I wanted it to look/feel and the doctor advised too. And he suggested a stapler method as the recovery time is only a few weeks! And I’m getting the frenuloplasty at the same time so I’m hoping it’s all done in one go and then once I’m recovered, that’s it!
I'm very welcome! Sounds like you have done your homework! Good luck, please do keep us posted :)
Nightmare is not encouraging! :( I’m so worried about it but I’ve got about 10 days off work booked and will focus on doing everything I should, but any tips welcome!
Got cut twice in 2020. My job's physically demanding and I had no more than a week off work. Stuff like grocery shopping were no problem earlier than that. So unless you have to be extremely physically active at work 10 days off should be fine.

The first night was definitely painful but for me it was manageable without pain medication the following nights.

The worst is that a freshly circumcised dick never looks good at first. Not being able to masturbate for several weeks can be an issue as well.

Wrote about my circumcision in my blog and also have pics documenting the process on here should you be interested that.

Hope this helps. Best of luck! :)
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I was circumcised ten years ago out of personal choice for a tight frenulum. Never looked back. I would advise a high cut keeping as much inner foreskin as possible as this keeps a lot of the sensitivity, and above all else insist that skin glue is used. This gives a much neater result and speeds up healing by around half. I was fully healed within a month.
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I was circumcised ten years ago out of personal choice for a tight frenulum. Never looked back. I would advise a high cut keeping as much inner foreskin as possible as this keeps a lot of the sensitivity, and above all else insist that skin glue is used. This gives a much neater result and speeds up healing by around half. I was fully healed within a month.
Thanks for sharing man. I think I’m using the stapler method as the doctor said recovery is super quick - a matter of weeks - but I’ll enquire about if it’s a high cut etc.
Got cut twice in 2020. My job's physically demanding and I had no more than a week off work. Stuff like grocery shopping were no problem earlier than that. So unless you have to be extremely physically active at work 10 days off should be fine.

The first night was definitely painful but for me it was manageable without pain medication the following nights.

The worst is that a freshly circumcised dick never looks good at first. Not being able to masturbate for several weeks can be an issue as well.

Wrote about my circumcision in my blog and also have pics documenting the process on here should you be interested that.

Hope this helps. Best of luck! :)
Thanks man! Will check out your blog. Any advice I can get I’m squirrelling away now! Just want it to be as smooth and easy as possible from cut to recovery ha
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A bit late. Don't know if you had it done yet. But to call it a "nightmare" as someone else said, is an exaggeration for most people who've had it done. Most adult patients describe the process being less painful and complicated than they were expecting.
Expect about 4 days to a week before you feel comfortable doing much work. But the bruising will subside quickly, and so will the pain. But it will be a month or two before you're ready for any intense sexual activity. Especially if you're suffering from phimosis, the difference is amazing.
The worst part of it will likely be getting used to the sensitivity. But the more you avoid exposing your glans to air and clothing, the longer it will take. So it's just easing into it bit by bit.
Rubbing a bit of vaseline on the tip of head will help with the rubbing in the beginning too.
But be careful not to rub it near the scar/cut because it needs to breathe to heal.
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A bit late. Don't know if you had it done yet. But to call it a "nightmare" as someone else said, is an exaggeration for most people who've had it done. Most adult patients describe the process being less painful and complicated than they were expecting.
Expect about 4 days to a week before you feel comfortable doing much work. But the bruising will subside quickly, and so will the pain. But it will be a month or two before you're ready for any intense sexual activity. Especially if you're suffering from phimosis, the difference is amazing.
The worst part of it will likely be getting used to the sensitivity. But the more you avoid exposing your glans to air and clothing, the longer it will take. So it's just easing into it bit by bit.
Rubbing a bit of vaseline on the tip of head will help with the rubbing in the beginning too.
But be careful not to rub it near the scar/cut because it needs to breathe to heal.
Not done yet! Soon! Early November. Thanks for the tips man. I have 2 weeks off work so I’m gonna let it hang free to begin with as I’ve heard that’s good for healing too, but I’ll slowly start to try let the head get used to touching fabric before having to fully return to work etc
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Not done yet! Soon! Early November. Thanks for the tips man. I have 2 weeks off work so I’m gonna let it hang free to begin with as I’ve heard that’s good for healing too, but I’ll slowly start to try let the head get used to touching fabric before having to fully return to work etc
This is great advice. I wish I did this before I had mine done, the head rubbing on fabric was definitely the worst part of the experience for me and lasted for about a month. I had some complications (my fault, couldn’t hold off on… activities and burst a stitch) that made for a few embarrassing trips to the doctor but as long as you follow the post-op instructions you’ll be fine. Enjoy your new dick!
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