Has your cock ever been too "big"?

Two girls heard I had a big dick so they came over had a few drinks three of us started touching in the bed. pulled my cock out and will never forget that wow your huge! I thought it was going to be my first threeway but she was to scared of my size. She jerked me off and the other blew me. The one took her friend home & immediately came back. Fucked her 3 times and became my fuck buddies ever since.
Two girls heard I had a big dick so they came over had a few drinks three of us started touching in the bed. pulled my cock out and will never forget that wow your huge! I thought it was going to be my first threeway but she was to scared of my size. She jerked me off and the other blew me. The one took her friend home & immediately came back. Fucked her 3 times and became my fuck buddies ever since.
All the time. My gf tells me all the time she wishes I wasn’t so big. In certain positions she can’t take all of me. Also we haven’t done anal because of my size. She says we have to start small and work our way up to me. So far we’ve used a finger, anal beads, and a skinny vibrator. Hopefully we’ll get there soon. :(

The funny thing is the only time she can deep throat me is if we’re in 69 and I stick a finger in her ass. Go figure...:D
Not a brag, really a disappointment, the first three women I was with all had a negative reaction due to my size. The first had a really hard time taking it at first but with enough foreplay was eventually able to let me penetrate her. A few times she complained about feeling a pain in her abdomen, I have always assumed I was at her cervix.

The second woman I was with, I was barely with. She wanted to have sex and before the head of my cock was in she started crying. I stopped immediately and she buried her head in a pillow and just wouldn't stop until I told her I was going to leave and she asked me to stay. We never really had sex, just that first attempt at penetration and one more after that ended similarly. I felt awful about it, and it actually turned me off to sex for awhile.

The third had more experience and was noticeably looser than the other two. She had no problems when she was riding me, but when I was on top she said the same thing as the first, though, she wasn't really opposed to it. Instead of complaining about the pain she said "Fuck, that's so deep."

The first two made me feel bad. I really liked both of them a lot and just wanted to please them, which felt impossible at the time. The third is a mystery to me, it was the result of a drunken hookup. I don't feel good or bad about that, I feel nothing. For the the first one, I feel like my experience led to me going in deeper than she was ready for.

I don't think there are really any guys out there that have a penis that is too big for a woman to take, aside from people with deformities. I do think that it is possible to be too large to meet someones sexual interest, not everyone is into huge dicks. When reading through other posts in this thread I felt like more of the experiences were the result of the partner just not wanting something that exceeded the size they see as ideal, or that far away from their ideal.

I hope my descriptions were not taken as boasting. I honestly still feel bad about the first two I mentioned and the experiences had significant impacts on my willingness to have sex with others so readily.
I've been told that by a guy before... it was a mixture of pride and disappointment

Same. Couldn’t get it in just last week. It’s not just about the cock though, it’s also about the entry.
When I was in high school, a girl got interest in myself and she actually was feared when she saw it. We dated for a few more times before she would even let me finger her a bit. She took it just fine and we ended up together for like a couple of months. The sex was hard for her though... she was quite petite and had trouble having it past 4 or 5 inches into her.
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I dated a Filipino guy, he was just 5'5 and had the tiniest bubble butt ever and really really tight. when he first saw my dick especially the head he was like 'no way', it took a few weeks of him playing with it, and getting to trust me, before he'd let me try. When he was ready then it took lots of foreplay, me deep rimming him and lots of lube to even start getting my head in his very tight hole, it was like a week later before he could take the whole of me in him, let alone let me fuck him with anything more than very gentle strokes. It took months before I could really fuck him like I like to, but it was worth the time, effort and patience.
Someone I knew once said "with enough time, lube, and patience of the receiver, almost anything is possible" - and I believe that lol.

I have had men refuse sex with me because they say my dick is too big, yes. I have also had guys who were reluctant to try, but after some expert rimming and good lubing up they really enjoyed it. And I have also had guys who just love it.

As a mostly-top who has nevertheless bottomed for a couple of pretty huge cocks in my time, it's all about the connection between the two people, the lube, patience, and feeling non-tense.