If You Post Photos But Aren't Verified Why Not?

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I think the full frontal thing is a bit confusing. First time I read it I thought it meant full body (face and all).
That's how I read it too, but after seeing a bunch of newer verified pics were mostly the genital area decided to I send mine in, and it was accepted. I agree the wording is a little confusing. I'd also make the example pics actual pics instead of drawings.
I've been coming across a lot of great photos and albums posted by users that aren't verified. So I wanted to ask for those of you that aren't verified why not?

Also, did you know getting verified comes with a Gold Membership?

When I found out Gold status was a perk of verification it took a little hunting to find the FAQ. Maybe the solution is to put a button in the LPSG banner? There's a lot of real estate there. I've attached a mock-up to give you a rough idea of what I was thinking.


That's how I read it too, but after seeing a bunch of newer verified pics were mostly the genital area decided to I send mine in, and it was accepted. I agree the wording is a little confusing. I'd also make the example pics actual pics instead of drawings.
Hey bud, ive posted my verification photo too and how do u know if it has been accepted?
Hey bud, ive posted my verification photo too and how do u know if it has been accepted?
If you followed the guidelines (https://www.lpsg.com/threads/photo-verification-guidelines.406628/) you'll get a response back from a moderator to your thread. I don't want to give you a time frame, because I don't know any behind the scenes stuff (how many people have submitted, how many moderators on duty, etc.), but mine was fast. Again, I don't want to say exactly, because I don't want to give others unrealistic expectations or have people start messaging mods. I could have just sent at the right time.
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The process to get verified is too difficult!
What specifically is difficult? I'm not denying your feelings here, but where are you hitting roadblocks? Finding the instructions? Setting up the album? Copy/pasting the album link to a mod? Getting a decent pic with the required sign?

For me it was hunting down the instructions, and then a little hunting and pecking in setting up an album. Oh, and I spent for-freaking-ever on getting the lighting decent for the pic so it wasn't grainy. Every time I moved to adjust the light I moved the freaking sign with my dick, knocking the sign off the chair more than a couple times! I wish I'd thought of taping the sign to my body or writing the words on my body like some folks (was also nervous as hell trying to take a dick selfie when I don't even do regular selfies as a rule!).
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I don’t really know how to copy and paste a link
When your browser window is open to your newly created verification album, highlight the text in the URL box see picture). When all the text is highlighted, hit Control+C to copy the URL/Link address. Then, in the body of your message, click your mouse somewhere in the body of the text box and hit Control+V, and it should paste.url.png
I've been coming across a lot of great photos and albums posted by users that aren't verified. So I wanted to ask for those of you that aren't verified why not?

Also, did you know getting verified comes with a Gold Membership?
I’m new to this website and I honestly had now idea what getting verified meant until another user asked me if I would be getting verified? I had to ask him to explain the details of what getting verified actually meant. If LPSG made it easier to new users that you should get verified, I would have done it when I initially signed up. Just my two cents on it.
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I’m new to this website and I honestly had now idea what getting verified meant until another user asked me if I would be getting verified? I had to ask him to explain the details of what getting verified actually meant. If LPSG made it easier to new users that you should get verified, I would have done it when I initially signed up. Just my two cents on it.

would you mind explaining to me? I am also new here.
The pictures are even more unclear than the wording. They show the person taking pictures from head to toe as the only acceptable photo.
Agreed. I made a suggestion to replace the drawings with a selection of actual, verified photos to give people a better idea. Like a selection of ‘most modest but still accepted’ to ‘fully full frontal’ and anything in between.
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